M7.5 Earthquake in Turkey
In February 2023, we participated in a global measurement campaign where all Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) systems worldwide were invited to conduct a joint measurement throughout the entire month. Tragically, right at the start on February 6, 2023, a devastating earthquake occurred in Turkey. This event also impacted the European XFEL tunnel, causing compression and stretching. The signals were prominently visible in the control system of the EuXFEL accelerator. In the following animation, we have graphically displayed the signals measured in the DAS fiber for you:
On the right, a typical representation for DAS data (waterfall diagram) is shown, which color-codes the time series of strain amplitude (y-axis) for each fiber sensor (channel, x-axis). Here, the dark blue color represents compression and light yellow represents elongation of a fiber segment, as illustrated on the waveform on the very right. On the left, the evolution over time of the strain amplitudes (strain rate) recorded at all DAS sensors is projected onto the fiber track along the EuXFEL tunnel.