Deichquakes: Do you hear (and see) the signals?
After listening to Taylor Swift and several soccer games we took the chance to listen to the Deichkind concert on our fiber glass network. On August 30th Deichkind performed at the Trabrennbahn which is less than a kilometer from our thousand ear experiment. During the concert we again offered the livestream which was broascasted on 30th of August at 19.30 – 22.30 CEST. Thanks to Wanda, who volunteered to attend the concert, we were equipped with a complete playlist including timesteps for the concert. Below you see the spectrogram for the whole concert with timesteps for each song played. The different signatures of the songs are clearly visible.

The songs can be roughly categorized according to their beat. Most of the songs like Wutboy, Hört ihr die Signale or Remmidemmi show a clear beat throughout the whole song with about 2.2 beats per second. The fans were jumping on this beat generating the specific observed frequencies. The more jumping, the larger the observed amplitudes in the sprectrogram. In addition there are some songs with a slower beat like 99 Bierkanister and Keine Party. Kids in meinem Alter shows the fastest beat during the concert with about 3 beats per second.
Wutboy Spectrogram
Below the spectrogram to the song Wutboy is shown. The signals were particularly strong as indicated by the high amplitudes. The increasing and decreasing amplitudes throughout the song may show the repeated chorus of the song where people were jumping to the beat.

Remmidemmi Correlation to YouTube Video
For Remmidemmi we were even able to correlate the recorded spectrogram to a video of the song available on youtube. The higher amplitudes clearly correlate to the chorus and the extensive jumping of the fans while smaller amplitudes correlate to times inbetween.
Seismic Waves: Hört ihr die Signale
Here you see, the seismic waves caused by the song Hört ihr die Signale (Do You Hear The Signals). After a few seconds you can see how the signal strength clearly increases as the song starts and the waves coming from Trabrennbahn travel westward through our fiber in the PETRA ring and all the way through the European XFEL. Thus – do we hear the signals? Yes, we do!